In January 2020, Alondra Bobadilla was named Boston's first-ever Youth Poet Laureate.
Born and raised in Boston, MA, she found and nurtured her love for writing since she learned her first letters. Through her work, she aspires to build bridges between different world views and unravel personal revelations of love, life, God, and the curious mundane. She demonstrates how creative expression can be a powerful tool for youth to examine feelings around pressing issues and utilize their voice as a catalyst for social impact.
Alondra Bobadilla is the author of a collection of confessional-styled poems and journals entitled “With Clipped Wings” which was published in June of 2021.
Out of a Crisis
Boston’s Youth Poet Laureate on the city’s devastating educational losses (December, 2020)
To Mend Wounds Unattended
Alondra Bobadilla on creative expression in the midst of the pandemic (May, 2020)
Writing Your Heart Out
Joins Boston Globe advice columnist Meredith Goldstein to discuss art and love (July, 2020)